
☯ - Want to learn about the latest research chemicals? Check out the purity/quality of your MDMA? Quitting drugs all together, and want to discuss the daily impact it has on your life? Want to know about the latest case studies and medical research? Or just talk about your favorite drug (skies the limit!)... maybe learn some info on it you didn't know before. Then bluelight is your safe haven. Just don't solicit or ask where you can procure said drugs. Tisk-tisk. That's the biggest faux pas you can make on this site.

↪ - Yes, his (good) book might have gone out of print (although, rumor has it, there is a 2nd edition coming out!). Yes, the site might have been left untouched for a little while, but No, no no... Dr. H is not pushing daisies! And with two current blogs of his own, ( and you can get your fill of Dr. H and all your Heroin/Opiate Questions answered while being entertained. Thanks again Dr H, for making one of the lowest casts of US citizens feel welcome and not shunned from society... no matter how bad our track marks are, or how often we might nod off on the subway. ☮ & ❤ D_D
Rock n Roll

* PT - Forum for Phish
* PT - Forum for The Disco Biscuits
♯ - Great place to download music! They might not have the Top 40 (who wants that anyway) but if you you're like me, and the thought of the top 40 on your iPod makes you vomit a little in your month, then they'll probably have what you're looking for. Low monthly subscription cost.
♪ (or - For all those live recordings you can't find anything else, and the show is just too good to settle for the AUD on archive. Get the Soundboard here!
♮ Direct Link to The Spreadsheet - The (almost) complete archive of every show Phish has ever done, with setlists, lyrics, antidotes, and downloads. Pretty amazing stuff here.
♬ - Unofficial site for The Biscuits. Includes link to all their original songs with lyrics, and stat.
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