Sunday, April 20, 2014

So with all of my struggle with drugs, I forgot to mention a huge accomplishment! I have official quit cigarettes! I had made the decision that when I turned 35, if I still wasn't having significant improve with quitting then I would consider Chantix. Enough is enough. Cigarettes don't theoretically kill people. They are responsible for a significant percentage of deaths each year. It's just a matter of time. And at 35, my risk was significantly higher. I've been smoking (on and off) since I was 17, I've been of the birth control pill since I was 17 and I've been a IV drug user this whole time as well. I was a walking statistic for a blood clot. I had bought a couple of of those rechargeable e-cigs to try to use as a substitute, Blue e-cig was one of them. But they did help much. The nicotine in one filter was 15 grams. A a filter lasted 2 or 3 charges. Compared to a cigarette with 12 grams, that wasn't much at all. I was tried the patch and Nicorette. But I figured out that if I used the patch and smoked the e-cig, while chewing nicotine gum, I still wouldn't get as much nicotine as I would from smoking one cigarette. Although it did help me cut down from a pack a day, to about a half pack. Unless I was stressed, then I was significantly more. But then I decided to go the vaporizer route. I bought one for my boyfriend for Christmas, and got a really nice on a two-for-one deal. It came a few days before Christmas and I figured I'd break it open try mine. I got the 24 mg liquid for it. The first day I was able to cut down from 10-15 cigs a day, to 3. Overnight. I couldn't believe the difference it made. I was so mad that I hadn't tried these ones first. Now, I've officially quit. Some people might poo-poo this as just another crutch. But for me, the goal was never stop being addicted to nicotine, it was to stop smoking cigarettes. If I smoke the e-cig for my rest of my life, that's fine with me. It's not going to kill me. Even still, I've already been able to cut down from 24 mg liquid to 18 mg liquid.

I know, I know, I've already gotten shit about this from other people. "Great that you quit cigarettes, but is that really what you should have been worried about? How about that whole addicted to heroin thing?" But it's better that I limit my health risks in anyway that I can. I can justify it a thousand ways till Tuesday, but it doesn't matter. These are my life chooses right now. Maybe I get to the place where I want to quit heroin, maybe I won't. Either way, it's still much better for my health and I feel great. My cough is basically gone, it's amazing how long that stuck around though. I'm not out of breath. I'm so happy. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to be able to quit. It just makes me so upset that people are trying to ban them. They are such a benefit for people trying to quit. The stupid people who are trying to say they are "starter cigarettes" instead of "quitter cigarettes" are completely backwards. They shouldn't be sold to kids the same way cigarettes shouldn't so sold to kids. But for those of us who have tried to quit for over a decade and then suddenly are able to quit overnight with the right e-cig, they've been a Godsend!

I want to buy the guy who invented them a beer.

Peace, Love & Rock 'n Roll!

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