Friday, December 28, 2012

Silk Road Pt 3.

This the 3rd edition of my Silk Road posts!

So let's talk mushrooms. Those which are hallucinogenic in nature that is.... My strategy up until the Silk Road, was to stock up with any many as possible through out festie and tour season and try to accumulate enough to last me all fall winter, until the next heattie show came along with a good lot. This time, I decided to test out the product on the Silk Road - which I still plan on doing more of. Actually I want to start growing them, but that's a different story.

All the mushrooms – which were already a good price – from the Netherlands were about say 15bc. (I’m rough guessing the prices here since it doesn’t really matter - but at the time it was about 3bc =$1). Then there was this one guy offering his for almost half of that AND he shipped from the states, so free shipping! (and hopefully faster) I think standard shipping is always free within the states - at least it used to be. Although some sellers do offer the expedited shipping, that can be risky too. Not always a good idea to be able to track your drugs. And you don't want to have to sign for them and have proof floating out there somewhere that you signed for a package of Back Tar Heroin of whatever.  So despite the massive difference in price AND knowing the best product comes from the Netherlands (again in the category) we bought ½ oz of them. But it wasn't enough money to shed a tear over if something did go wrong. Sure enough, almost the next day they were there.  
***Here I am going to add a slight disclaimer. My view may be slightly askew due to an overuse, both long term (about 2 decades) and really heavy short term use (previous 6 months – a few times a week) to psychedelics. Clearly this will affect tolerance of each drug in and of itself, but should NOT produce cross-over tolerance between most of them. Although it has been theorized and some case studies have shown that certian RC's may produce slight cross tolerance between other psychedelics, mushrooms have never been included in those studies. Still, we did take an entirely different batch of mushrooms the weekend before and didn’t trip either. But the legitimacy of that product was never confimred. Although they looked, smelled, tasted and felt like legitimate shrooms, without at least another person verifying their potency, I couldn't make a blanket statement in either direction as to whether they were "real" or not.***

They came vacuum sealed and everything looked solid. Once I received them I let the seller know. He requested that I release the funds, which I was hesitant to do, since I hadn't tried them yet, but my last few transactions were so smooth, I figured "why not?". I gave the required 5 star but wrote "WAITING TO SAMPLE PRODUCT. WILL POST REVIEW IN FORUM WHEN VERIFIED."
We took them about 2 hours before and EOTO show in Tahoe, which was right across the street. We had with high expectations after such disappointing experiences with tripping on anything for the last 2 months. By the time we had to leave – all hope was abandoned. They never kicked in. We had all the effects of being on mushrooms without any of the actual visuals/body buzz/ euphoria/giddiness/tripping. So they had ALL of the slight uncomfortable feelings associated with mushies, slight tummy upset, desire to curl up in bed, bizarre equilibrium effect, social awkwardness, which usually passes in 30 minutes, transforming into social glee and laughter for me. But this lasted for the next few hours, with none of the fun side effects.  I know that Golden Teachers can vary in potency and strength – and obviously we both have an extremely high tolerance for pretty much all drugs in general. Maybe we could have tried more but we ate a lot to begin with. We don't shy away from those challenges. But with all of the positive reviews of this product, I was/am slightly suspicious that they hadn’t worked right off the bat. So, I figured I would give them to my bff who has no tolerance for this kinda thing at all, just to make sure that they didn’t work.  Haven’t heard anything about them from her yet (doubt I will now since she’s since “broken up" with me after 14 years, bitch). Hope they didn't work out for her either. Knowing her - she probably got freaked out by them and thew them away - whatever. Who cares. If I want to put a spike in my arm, that's my business.  Anyway - back to the Silk Road...

So - we got some more mushroom locally and decided to hold off trying them until our bodies were purged of psychedelics drugs. Even though there's supposedly no cross tolerance between L/Shrooms/RC’s etc. I've quite a bit of experience that would suggest otherwise, specifically with 2C products and that’s not supposed to happen either. 
The seller is still selling and the ratings are still coming in that they are high quality. So the rating system is clearly not a foolproof system. Or I was just a special case, and really need to cool off on my psychedelic drug intake. (which I have).

So I'm still winning the game overall - but it's by no means a sweep, with the SR scoring +2 points on me in the custie'd category.  Again, I made a mistake in judgment basing my decision on price and not taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture – why were they so cheap?? Why would I by from the state when I know they are sub-par to the Netherlands? Lesson Learned.

Next Purchase - MDMA – One of the best deals on the Silk Road

So again so time passes with a few smooth (even fun and enjoyable) transactions. Communication can be hit or miss with the sellers, but the product was always good, even if not always 100% accurate – at least effective.  And that’s all I ask for, really ;-)

All the MDMA experiences have actually worked out really well for me – even if it was weird. I f ound a great guy selling MDMA in Molly form and tested about as high as possible on the Reagent test, 84%.  It came in a standard time frame, great package, packaged as directed, good communication, A+ all around. Strike that, A++++++++++ when the next package came. A week after we took and had a BLAST on the amazing product, another shipment from the same town but different address came. Another bag of Mahl!  Okay – well that’s weird. This is my third shipment of mysterious, un-paid for drugs, only one of which was bad. I didn’t ask him about it because I didn’t want to raise any red flags, but we decided to take it anyway (contents unconfirmed) and rolled tits. So that was that and then I pretty much stopped thinking about that transaction. 

It was so good though, that we wanted another order ASAP for my birthday.  Fast forward 2-3 weeks later. I placed another order and as I mentioned earlier, I always place 3-6 items at a time. I had ordered a bag of 2C-E. I didn’t know the EXACT address it was supposed to come from but I remember it was at least some place on that side of the world (Netherlands).  In the appropriate time frame- a bag from the Netherlands (again) came with a baggie of unmarked clear white powder, 1 gr. 

Now, it makes sense that no one labels their drugs in the mail when they ship. And typically people don’t use their own home address, or at least their exact (or detailed) addresses, but it certainly makes it frustrating when you place multiple orders and are dealing with product that is similar in color and bitterness -like many RC's being sold today.  It gets confusing.  Then add the fact that 15mgs of one can flip your world upside down for 15 hours and be close to a dangerous overdose, and 20mgs - your pushing daisies, you need to be careful!

I decided to hold on to the bag for a little bit and see if maybe the other product would be easier to recognition. Strangely, I wound up with 4 random bags of white powder. Supposedly from two different sellers, but who knows maybe really coincidentally they worked together in conjunction on the Silk Road?

Now I had my entire order of products. The Mahly was the same fantastic roll. The 2C-E was awesome and combined with LSD, they make the Universe's hetty'est cocktail :)
but I'm still left with the unanswered question of "Where are all of these free drugs coming from?? And more importantly WHO IS SENDING THEM TO ME!!! Can all of this possibly be a dissociated string of coincidences? Doesn’t seem likely.

I did take the "risk" blindly sampling one of the random bags - turned out to be 2C-I and I tripped face off of it, quite a few times. Still have some actually - was going to save some for this NYE.

So there is nothing I can say about that specific mailing that would point to a conclusion. I'm really doubt I'll get an answer to any of this, but at least I came out the winner - I guess?  Over all I have wound up with way more drugs than I had actually purchased, but they were all legitimate, so  again – if the Universe wants to send me free drugs through mail order – who am I to complain? But still the whole thing can be hit or miss, and although appreciated, I’m always a little apprehensive when the random bags arrive. And although there have been a couple of orders where the seller has then disappeared, despite a large number of positive reviews, the overall success rate has me coming back. After all, it still beats the number of times I've been ripped off IRL copping on the streets or at Shakedown at a show. So I'll keep coming back!
One of the most common questions I receive about the Silk Road is "How does the pricing compare?" Well, that is completely dependent on what your are buying and where you live.

). Here is a general breakdown by most popular categories:

Psychedelics (Of all sorts - L, shrooms, RCs etc.): Normally much cheaper than I can find in and around California.
**Side besides my less than successful purchase of shrooms from the states, most shrooms almost always come from the Netherlands - this is a great (although not foolproof) way of securing a high quality product. I've honestly found this to be true for most products purchased from there – The Netherlands take the quality of their drugs seriously!**
Dissociative (Ketamine, MXE, PCP): Comparatively equal.  So I found no value in purchasing them through the Silk Road- unless you are unable to procure locally, or they just aren’t available in your area for some reason

Uppers - Depends.
Coke - Much pricier on SR but might be worth if for quality. They have a variety of EXTREMELY Superior coke available. But you’re gonna have to pay! (worth it IMHO)

Meth/Adderall - About the same locally. It's dirt cheap everywhere.

GHB:  Cheaper if you can buy in quantity.

MDMA - Seems to be the best overall Street/SR ratio. Really dirt cheap compared to the street value in Los Angeles. Also - ALWAYS (at least in my experience thus far) they have been highly superior to what you can buy on the streets. Since it’s almost all from the Netherlands (if it’s not, don’t buy it) you can still find early 90's standard ecstasy and they don't pass this shit "Molly" off as real AND it almost always comes with a Reagent Test results.

Opiates –
Heroin – This is an interesting one. When I started shopping on the Silk Road it was one of the best deals around. At least the Heroin was. It was much cheaper than Los Angeles street prices . You could go higher in value and buy China White or other super quality H when they had it - for much higher, but it WAS a rare commodity, Now #4 Heroin is littering the Silk Road. So it’s up to you and what you can get in your town as to whether it’s “worth it” or not. Maybe you are from the West Coast and get white powder in a stamp bag – you might be willing to buy at a higher price than someone who can get it on par or cheaper than the SR. Or you’ve never tried Mexican Black Tar, it would be in your best interest to give it a go an buy some at $100+ a gram, just to give it a shot over on the east coast. Yadda yadda, you get my drift.

Scripts - ALL OPIATE PRESCRIPTIONS ON SR ARE NOT WORTH IT. They may be high quality (and you can get OC's vs. OP's) but you will be prison rape on the price. Hands down one of the biggest rip offs - if you can secure elsewhere. But they are counting on getting the people who are uncomfortable buying from the streets or purchasing H at all. RE: Think your local soccer mom.

Opium – Completely hit or miss if they have it. They will go through dry spells of months at a time and then have 3 or 4 dealers at once selling. In my opinion, because of its scarcity.... if it's available, buy it! I've never had fake opium or anything that was sub-par quality from the SR, and when I do buy, I'll buy in bulk, just because I don't know when it's going to go away or come back again, and I love having it around. I had a guy I was buying from at a fairly expensive, but not outrageous price on SR, but he told me he had to close shop because the processing of the opium was getting way to expensive.  

Other – This “Other” category is very vague - anything else really. HGH's are one of the more popular- but I won't know how to compare prices - I think it's really high in demand though, because the stock seems endless and current. Psych drugs off all sorts, sleeping pills, barbiturates, ludes, crazy types of benzo’s etc.

I bought some Phenobarbital, randomly one day because I saw it and seemed to be a reasonably good price (actually dirt cheap) and isn't offered frequently in my circles - so that was worth it. I've been searching high and low to find Methaqualone, but have only found substitutes like Ettaqualone, but it's a crap shoot. You never know what random obscure drug that you've always wanted to try (or never heard of that piques your interest) so it's hit or miss. It seems that (like the ones I've mentioned above) since they are sold all over the world - to the point of abuse - across different countries, they will eventually be available to us at some point through the SR - so if there is some pill or drug you can’t find right away – keep checking in and be diligent. It’s most likely going to show up one day. And then it will be there for a day or two – or it might spark a new trend and gain its own category. You never know what’s going to happen!

So in conclusion to the pricing questions, I purchase by the following criteria that is important to me: price, local availability, quality vs price, dealer rating and perhaps novelty (like the Phenobarbital).

Hopefully that helps answer some of the questions you've had about the Silk Road and how that website works, what's available and how to buy, etc. As I mentioned, my next SR installment will be more technically driven and focus more on Tor, security, bitcoins etc. Please drop me comment if there is something specific you want addressed around those categories, and I'll try to get those questions answered first!

Hope everyone is having a great holiday vacation!!

❤ ☮ & ♪♬

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

That Guys on Heroin

So besides the fact that this site is not solely about Heroin (although I wish it was sometimes - since it's pretty much all I think about during the day), I intentionally avoided giving it a name like Memoirs of Heroin Addict, or My Junky Addiction, or Diary of a Junk Fiend. Why? Because if you try to search for heroin blogs and come across anything that sounds remotely like this - it's going to be 1 of 3 things.

1. Tragically hip doper, who is too dark for this world, and you won't understand anyway. He's already resigned to dying, so he's a self fulfilling prophecy - Giving those of us who like our lives, and would prefer to go living, even with dope, a bad name. They say things like "I was born an infant crackhead to an impoverished baby mama, ignored, abused, abandoned for 15 years. And then I stuck a sharp in my arm, and my life changed forever"

2. The current recovery Junky. The ex addict who is now  equally as addicted to support groups and therapy work, as they ever were to drugs. And Lord Almighty, if you suggest that "recovery" may not be in the cards for you - will you ever get an earful about how you deserve to be happy, and free yourself from the bondage of escapism through substance abuse. They say things like (and this was a direct quote to me once - I grabbed it from a PM):
"Go to the nearest mirror. Drink in your reflection for a brief moment. And then, out loud, whilst looking directly into your own eyes, tell yourself "You're beautiful. You deserve happiness. You deserve to be sober. At the moment, things are not okay. But I will be okay. I love you."

3. The user educator. S/he hasn't quite managed to quit yet, but they know EVERYTHING about the social and legal ramifications of drug use - buying, selling, quitting, therapy, not giving up. But as enlightened as they try to sound. They were the Kingpin at the time of their heaviest use. And no matter, who they are talking to or what type of addiction you've gone through. It's not like theirs. THEY were addicted because they were trying to suppress the memory of being raped at 16 by an uncle. And it took YEARS of therapy to realize that. But even though they might go 6 months at a time without using, the relapse is inevitable. And the pattern starts all over again, but the holier-then-though attitude remains the same.

Me? I'm none of those. Yeah, I guess there is some kind of chemical dependancy. I go through withdraws when I don't use, blah blah blah, and yeah, I am in therapy for it. BUT. I like heroin. I like the high. I played a game where I hid it from every single person of signifigance in my life for over 10 years. But now that I'm open about it, I love it. Yeah there are still some shitty things, like my bf not wanting his dad to see me over Christmas, because my arms are too pin-cushin-y.  But overall, I take it at face value. I'm not tragically hip, I lead a Leave it to Beaver childhood, and I've had basically no serious tramadic events in my entire life (until just recently, but I was using for 9 years before that, so I don't think it counts). I just like drugs. All drugs. But yeah, I lean towards junk. Whatever. Stay off my back about it, and yeah maybe I'll think about cutting back, not... NOT quitting. That's not in my vocabulary. I'm no quitter, sir!

That is why I felt such a sense of relief when I came across this blog... Finally... let's put some humor behind this thing... this somber, sober thing called Heroin. Even I can't deny there are some really shitty things about it - but adding humor doesn't trivialize it. It just makes it human. So, may I present to you... That Guy Is On Heroin.
Some pics of archived months, showing people in the various forms of nodding off. Living in Downtown LA at Pershing Square, I can definitely relate to seeing this on the streets, on a not to infrequent basis, lol.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for making me laugh. And for keeping the streets of Baltimore free from Zombies, who would no doubt go after my stash first. (if I even lived near Baltimore). But with you in the streets, fighting for us, I feel I'm in a safer world.

::Tips hat in respect::

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It's time for... The Top 15 List!! (This week.... Music Websites!)

Okay - so I decided to put some lists together of my top favorite things, like websites... say... Music websites. That's a good one for me to start with :) So here it is -

My Top 15 Favorite Music Related Websites!

Category -  Music

A collage I made representing PT
   * (forum for Phish)
   * (forum for The Disco Biscuits)
(The others are a waste and get like two posts a month, normally spam. Although I did try really hard to get the Ween site active). And I hear they have some kind of Phantasy League type activity.... I always suck at that part. But shout out to my good friend "J" who came in 3rd OVERALL last years in the tournament. Pret-ty Impressive.

   * My favorite subscription site to download music - recorded

   *My favorite site to download live shows - non subscription, pay per show

   *Same as - just for Phish shows. (that's quite a big library!!

   * Official website for Phish

   *Where to download, updates and info on the infamous Phish Spreadsheet (a "mostly" completely archive of their live shows with download links to the archive.)

   * The direct link to the Spreadsheet

Great Studio Album by  tDB
   * Complete recording of Gamehendge- you just need a .shn player of converter

   * Official Website for The Disco Biscuits

   * Unofficial site for The Biscuits. Includes link to all their original songs with lyrics, and stats (first show played, times per year, % over time, etc.

   * I was originally going to put here, but after thinking about it - I decided to go with this one. If you are a NOLA Jazz and Heritage Festival Junky (like in the OED definition that I talked about last time), like I am - then you will appreciate this site for all it's late night information and general town goings-on. Also helps you shop around for good travel deals for the festival, etc.I <3 Jazz Fest

12. &
   * Yep, it's a tie folks - Stay updated on when your favorite artists are coming to town. And festivals from the local to mega popular, and get info and stats on all your favorite bands too.

STS9 Album
   * Unofficial website for STS9. I deliberated between and But this one just has everything. Kinda like the unofficial Bisco site - when done by the fans it's done with love and dedication (sometimes unhealthy dedication ;-)
    * First let me state, that I have ALWAYS paid for every piece of music that I own. Second, let me say that I LOVE sharing my music with people around me. I've got 500gb of good shit - and sometimes I want to just keep it in the cloud so I can download it onto another one of my computers (I use like 5) and sometimes I want to share it with my dad, or another PTer or something. MediaFire does a great job of helping me organize my music virtually!  Say my friend never heard of Dopapod but I wanted to share a little sampling -  I can just go to MediaFire, Upload to a new folder - and share the link - Voila! Turns out he becomes such a huge fan, that he buy all their records, and tours the country with them! See. Everybody wins!

   * Like Pandora Create our own radio stations with the artists you like and it will suggest similar music. I used  one of my radios as an example. I just put this one because everyone already does Pandora - thought I'd pick something different :)

And in honorable mention  - I'll send a shout out to - Thanks for a solid forum for electronic music of all types!

If you think these suck and want to share YOUR favorite music related websites - please do :)  I'd love to read the comments!!
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Thursday, November 29, 2012

The COMPLETE Bioavailability Chart for Opiates! :)

So there has been a few FINAL Bioavailability charts that have come out on some of my favorite drug forums lately. But in my opinion they have all been sub par and have left out pertinent information that is easily locatable on the wed. So I've put together my own bioavailability chart for opiates. I will be working on other classes of drugs as well as time goes on.

You will notice that some are still marked N/A. This is because there hasn't been research on those drugs bioavailabilities, and I don't want to include false of misleading information in my chart. If you have any updates or corrections. PLEASE feel free to let me know! I am open to any form of criticism and welcome the feedback! Let me know what you think! Obviously I started with opiates, since my affinity for them runs strong, being by far my Drug of Choice. And besides that - the most interesting in my opinion :)

So take a gander, and please - let me know what you think!

Looking forward to your comments! It was a fun project to put together. Now I'm working on Benzo. Not nearly as exciting, but still something fun to do :)

& ♪♫♬

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Silk Road Experience - Part 2

Still being fresh to the Silk Road, I paid for the vile through PayPal in cash. It was also cheaper than the other viles. Although he did say that was because a lot of people were uneasy with the no escrow. He was also in partnership with the chemist and doing this at the cheapest price. So while my first bitcoin transaction was processing, I went ahead with it. Also, I remember I ordered this the morning that we left for the Gorge, and I wanted to make sure it was here in time for Dicks – ruling out the Bowl and Tahoe since they were too soon. Anyway, I was easy able to get a sheet of acid in the meantime from a local acid dealer. Side note to all acid dealers out there I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! This seller, just like the rest of the psychedelic dealers I know out there was all about spreading the love. This wasn’t about the money – all they want to do in this world is spread the love and glory of acid! You are all living on a higher spiritual plane, and I sincerely thank you for spreading the love and the beauty of acid – while taking a huge risk in the process! He didn’t consider himself a “drug dealer” and neither do I. Acid dealers share mind opening experiences. There’s no money, not for the dealer and not for the chemist, only the desire to spread the joy of LSD. So THANK YOU ALL! That is why you are all loved in my book! Many hugs and kisses from me to you *MAWH
Anyway, he was also super good in communicating and keeping me updated on the shipment and since it was my first time, he was extremely patient and understanding of all my stupid questions. He was extremely helpful, teaching me the ropes and especially as the transaction got odd, he was must have been confused by me, but was always tolerant.

Listing for LSD including description, reviews, picture, price and shipping info.

So I soon got the shipping confirmation and was super stoked. The chemist (also located in the Netherlands) had shipped it out himself. I believe I got back on a Tuesday and it was supposed to take about a week and to arrive. But then when I checked my mail on Thursday, it had already arrived. Pretty odd. Can something arrive that quickly - 2 days! - from overseas? Also, it wasn’t a vile, like originally depicted in the posting. It was 225 Imodium pills, undisputedly hit with 3 drops of liquid each. The drops were clear as day. Someone went through the painstaking process of dosing each of those little pills, much like Altoids, with 3 distinct drops. I was skeptical, but there it was. Clearly.

At this point, despite the friendly open nature of the seller there are four red flags already thrown.

1. The cheapest acid on the SR by far for the quantity (although that could have been caulked up to bulk purchasing and dealing direct with the chemist)
2. PayPal Required – not Bitcoins. Waving any right for escrow and an instant loss of money
3. Did NOT come as described. Clearly stating in the ad a custom made glass vile. NOT PLAIN IMODIUM.
4. Shipment was lighting fast. But still clearly stamped from a Netherlands post office.

I emailed the guy to let him know I got it. He seemed happily surprised, but a little uneasy that it arrived so early. His real concern though was the pills. He still insisted that is should have been a vile and asked repeatedly if there was any way it could have been another order. I said no, because I had just deposited my first round of bitcoins and was in the process of making my second order of products, a bulk purchase of my products this time, since I had the desired funding. But he said he’d ask the chemist about that – he couldn’t verify because he never actually touched the product since the chemist prepped and shipped it. But I told him I’d let him know how it was when I tried it and post in his forum.

So that Friday night, both anxious and excited, I took them over to my boyfriends pad to try them out. Optimistically apprehensive, we both decided to take two at first. 6 doses, but we had been taking acid nonstop for practically the whole summer, if not the whole year. So we wanted to make sure we took a solid dose to be able to judge. First let me emphasis how absolutely VILE and HORRID these things were. It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever put in my mouth. It was very hard to fight the urge not to spit it right now. If they were going negate on the vile – can’t they at least put in on something good? Some mints? Some gum? Anything besides these nasty pills that tasted like chalk and medicine and terribleness all in one. Oh it was bad.
But, I did my duty, and kept them in for quite a bit of time just to make sure that I got every last drop (just in case) before I swallowed it. Once swallowed the Imodium immediately made me terribly nauseous, foaming in my stomach. But whatever… I kept it down. I wasn’t about to give up good acid. Even though, any acid probably would have already been absorbed sublingually, I wasn’t going to risk it.

At this point I start thinking the worst. What I’d been stifling in my gut since they first arrived. “What a dumb ass, blindly ingesting something that I buy from some stranger on an illicit website. Who knows what those liquid drops could be. Probably not LSD.” But then really is that any different than buying from a stranger in a lot or maybe even the dumbest – from craigslist. Which I’ve done a million times when my dealers disappeared or fell through for other things. Oh well… the dead was done. At least we had both taken them.

And of course, those fears become reality as we wait and wait and wait. Feeling more like dumbasses with each tick from the clock. Luckily, we had some A+++++ Superior Canadian rolls left over from a concert and some MXE. Before we delved into the alternate stockpile, we did try one more pill just to make sure. All the while I was scream expletives at the devil that took the time to dose these nasty tasting things and send them half way around the globe to trick us, while using the most disgusting method of administration possible. Oh I was going to write a HEATED letter to the seller. Who knows, there is still some hope that he would respond and amends. But the chances were very slim and I knew that. But as we turned the night around with our stash of other drugs, we drafted the letter that I was going to send out the following morning. And as the other drugs hit in, our night did turn out wonderful, even though out mood was sheepish and foolish as we repeated over and over in our head what fools we were for ignoring all the warning signs.

I had almost no hope left when I finally sent the letter to the seller listing everything that went wrong with the order. Honestly, I was not expecting a reply. But shockingly I received a reply within only a few hours! There is good humanity left in the world! I knew I could count on my trusted acid dealers. ❤ His response sounded really shocked. All of his other customers had no complaints with the product, and he had originally thought it was odd that it would have arrived so early and not in the described packaging – but again – since he hadn’t shipped the order, he couldn’t confirm. So although he had no real explanation, he asked that I hold on for another week and see if anything else arrives, since the post really shouldn’t get to me for at least another week. I was encouraged by his response, but still didn’t really expect anything else to arrive. But I kept an open mind since his response did seem sincere. And his initial reaction was desire to be helpful.

That was a Monday. Wednesday I got another one of my orders that I had placed the week before with real bitcoins, in escrow- 3 types of DMT from Mexico. Each product was sampled upon arrival. (And then again and maybe once again… just to make sure ;-). All three products were straight from the 4th dimension! ﭢ Some of the best quality DMT I’ve had. And that seller was really awesome too. He makes his own product in Mexico and was detailed in each type’s description and variety. I still order from him to this day. I love his stuff.

DMT Listings from the Silk Road from today.

So my hopes for the Silk Road were lifted. There were at least SOME reliable and reputable sellers and I was going to find them. But then on Friday there was another package in the mail. Low and Behold! It was a vile of Acid! And it came exactly how it was described in the ad… which is good because the ad was super detailed. I let the dealer know immediately. And since he had been really excellent in communicating with me, I really wanted to give him a good rating, which I was able to do with no problem on his personal sellers forum. I wasted no time sampling and sharing, to get other people’s opinions. It was the real deal and I have 250 hits of it!! Jeeze – I think I blew through it in like 4 months. Along with two other full sheets and some random 10 strips and half viles collected randomly here and there within that time frame. I think I went through too much acid, lol.

But the question still remained… HOW and WHY on earth had that other mystery package arrived with the bogus pills??? It was especially weird since someone took the time to fake dose all those pills!! I can't image what someone was thinking when they thought of some dumb wookette trying to get spun on the worst tasting plain Imodium on the planet. It's like a joke now - I didn't get Custie'd I got Imodium'd. Lulz.

But the time and effort that was put into that scam is no joke and is mind boggling to me! Was it a warning that I was being watched? Just a practical joke? Another message of some sort? I am baffled still to this day, and no doubt will be for the rest of my life – one of those hopeless unsolved mysteries. I really doubt I’ll ever find out why or how that happened. Or what I’m the most curious about – By Who??

But that was not the last of the odd string of mailings that occurred after I started using the Silk Road. Weird things kept happening with each of the next few purchases. About two weeks later, after my second full transaction was complete, I received a random bag of Ayahuasca in the mail. Could it have been from the DMT seller? I PM’d him to ask and he knew nothing about it. Odd, but okay. I guess I’ll take some free Ayahuasca. After all, one should not seek it out; it will always come to you when the timing is right. I have another example of an incident of that happening that is not SR related, but maybe I’ll share after this SR encounter is written.

Shortly after that, a third incident occurred. This time I got a mystery bag of white powder, clearly shipped again from the Netherlands. I had just ordered some MDMA (white powder) and some 2-CE (also white powder), as well as some crystal DMT (also white powder but from Mexico). But both were shipped from the Americas, although processed in Amsterdam and had already arrived. The DMT was still in transit, but it usually took 2-3 weeks. And this bag was clearly from Amsterdam and had no other markings. I smelled it - (definitely not DMT) and I tasted it - thinking I might be able to recognize its bite, but I couldn’t. It definitely didn’t taste like regular Molly. It was kinda weird.

List of postings for MDMA and related products for sale. One of the best deals on the Silk Road.
I was also having problems logging into the Silk Road to ask the sellers. As it happened, Tor had updated and I needed to install and customize the latest version– which changes frequently. Once I was able to get everything back in working order, everyone said their orders went out exactly as outlined. No extra freebees or anything like that. So, I did what any good druggie would do, and I dosed the white powder. On a microgram level – as to avoid complete overdoes on some odd RC. It definitely got my high as a kite, pretty rolly. But not the same as the previous MDMA I had ordered. Or any I had ever taken. My guess is it was some sort of RC made to simulate MDA or MDMA, but with a slight psychedelic effect. I don’t know. Whatever…. Can’t complain about that one I guess? If I knew what it was I would have ordered more.

All of that occurred in the course of about 6 weeks but then eventually things cooled down and the unexplained mailings stopped arriving (besides my continuing SR orders). Most orders have been smooth since then. Next I’ll go into some more explainable situations that happened. But as for these incidents, I doubt I’ll ever know what was going on. Was it a string of related events? Was it one person behind each? Or were they independent, some perhaps by human error. Overall, I received more free drugs in the mail than Imodium. That was a onetime occurrence. So If the Universe wants to send me free drugs, I decided do be it! I will gladly and humbly accept them.:)

Next session I’ll go into buying shrooms, GHB, opiates and some other RC’s. I really need to put another purchase in soon…. I just need to deposit some more bitcoins. At least the process is much easier now that it’s established. I just have a lot of live, in-person drug dealers that I love using, but I can’t get the same type of obscurities like I can on the SR. I’ll keep this board posted as I do purchase.

❤ ☮ & ♪♬